Dancer of the Month

June 2021
“My daughter just started about a little over 2 months ago @ Elegant Dance Studio and she absolutely loves it! The staff are friendly and always helpful. This is a “no judgement zone” and the kids who attend are just as fabulous. I am so happy I chose EDS!!! “ – Amanda F.

June 2021
Aryanna has been a standout student here at EDS. Her desire to learn and try anything new in class is always noticed by her teacher. She maybe a tiny bit quiet at times and but she quick to pick all the new dance moves and she puts so much effort into mastering each and every move. Her teacher loves how well behaved, enthusiastic and funny she is. She is always kind and respectful of all her teacher and peers. Congratulations Aryanna

May 2021
Congratulations to Elizabeth on being chosen as Mays “Dancer Of The Month”
Elizabeth is a member of our National Petite Team at Elegant Dance Studio and we are so very proud of her and all the hard work she has been putting in. Elizabeth is very serious about her dance classes but is also so much fun to have in class. She is constantly making us all laugh. Coupled with her superb listening skills and her high level of respect for team members, her teachers and the studio is why she was chosen for Dancer of the Month.
We are so excited about watching her skill set grow for years to come. Congratulations Elizabeth

May 2021
Congratulations to Mason on being chosen for “Dancer Of The Month”.
Mason has been dancing with Elegant Dance Studio for two years in Mr. Colins breakdancing class. Mason comes into class each and every week determined to master each and every move Mr. Colin coaches him on. Mason is an excellent role model for his fellow teammates. He is constantly high fiving all of his classmates in class each time they master a move. He is always smiling in class and we are thrilled to see his growth over the last year. Congratulations Mason

April 2021
Lilly is one of our petite competitive dancers and we just love having her in class. She is an excellent listener and is sweet as can be. She is always paying attention and working hard and supports her classmates. Lilly has been working real hard in all of her classes and has progressed so much in such a short period of time. We are looking forward to seeing how much she will grow for years to come. Congratulations Lilly

April 2021
Gianna is one of our junior competitive dancers and has been dancing with the EDS family for three years. Gianna is polite, kind, patient, and truly a dedicated dancer. She is a great leader and a positive example for her peers in class. We love her personality and love seeing her hit the stage each and every time. Congratulations Gianna

March 2021
Harper is a wonderful dancer who is eager to learn and is always listening and following instructions. Her energy is contagious and you cant help but smile when you watch her dance. The kindness she shows to other dancers and her teachers is what makes her so special. We are so excited to see Harper on the stage this coming June. Congratulations!!

March 2021
Congratulation Grayson for being one of our dancers of the month for the month of March. Grayson is one of our talented break-dancers who’s talent really shines thru each and every week . His natural rhythm and attention to detail has allowed him improve quickly. He picks up choreography fast and pays close attention to his instructor so that he can master each and every move. We cant wait to see him hit the stage this June.

February 2021
Reilly is a breakdancer at Elegant Dance Studio who embodies a tremendous amount of style and swag. His natural rhythm and attention to detail has helped Reilly grow immensely since the beginning of the year. He picks up choreography quickly and takes direction like a pro. We cant wait to watch him move and groove on stage at this year’s recital. Keep up the great work Reilly!

February 2021
Kinliegrace is one of our Tik Tok dancers who continues to improve week after week. She is very dedicated in and out of the studio and always practices her dances at home. She has been a positive example for her peers in class. We love her spunky personality and cant wait to see her shine on the stage. Congratulations!

January 2021
Congratulations to Jessica for being awarded “Dancer Of The Month”.
Jessica is a member of our Petite National Competition Team and we are so proud of all the hard work she has been putting in to get ready for the competition stage.
Jessica is very serious about her training, very kind in class and most importantly she is a super supportive team mate and peer. We love having Jessica in class and wait to see what the future holds for her.

January 2021
Please help us Congratulate Amaya for being chosen as “Dancer Of The Month” for January. Amaya comes to Hiphop every week ready to dance and learn new moves. She knows her dance so well already and is always willing to help her friends during class. We are so proud of you Amaya.

December 2020
This little cutie is a star in our acro class and we cant get enough of her sweet and cheerful personality. Natalie is super kind to all of her classmates and teachers. She has come so far with her dancing and her acro skills this season. Her somersault and bridge are top notch and we are enjoying watching her skills improve from week to week. Keep up the good work Natalie!

December 2020
Congratulations to Amelia for being chosen as “dancer of the month” for December!!
Our staff picked Amelia because she is always smiling and ready to learn in every class. She pays close attention while picking up new tap & ballet moves.

November 2020
Congratulations to Cassidy for being chosen as our November “Dancer of the month”. Cassidy comes to class each week ready to dance Full-out. She always has a smile on her face and is so kind to all of her class mates. We are so proud of you Cassidy

November 2020
Congratulations to Shane for being chosen as our November “Dancer Of The Month”!! Shane was picked because of his positive attitude, he is always kind to his fellow class mates and he is very respectful to all of his teachers.

October 2020
Congratulations to Angelina for being chosen as our October “Dancer of the month”. Angelina comes to class each week ready to work hard. She always has a smile on her face and is so kind to all of her teammates. We are so proud of you Angelina!

October 2020
Congratulations to Preslie for winning Dancer of the Month for the month of October. The staff picked Preslie because she tries so very hard to master every single step in class, pays close attention and most of all she is very respectful to all of her teachers ! Awesome Job Preslie!!