Attire Suggestions by Class
We are so excited that you are joining the Elegant Dance Studio Family!!!
We would like to share some apparel suggestions and information with you. Below you will find a list of our recommendations by class type.
All belongings must be marked with student’s name.
- Every student should have a dance bag with their name clearly marked.
- All belongings must fit into the student’s dance bag while student is in class.

Combo Classes:
These classes are COMBO classes, meaning that they include both ballet AND tap. Dancers will participate in both styles every week and will be required to wear both style of shoes.
- Comfortable apparel such as leotards, tights, dance skirts, tanks, leggings.
- Black tap shoes
- Pink ballet shoes
HipHop / Break Dancing / Tik Tok Classes:
- Comfortable moveable clothing such as tanks, shorts. No Jeans or sweats
- Clean pair of sneakers only worn to dance, very important note, these sneakers must be worn in studio only, never outside.
- We say that hip hop is all about the style. Get your dancer some awesome shoes to show off their style and personality!
Jazz and Lyrical Classes:
- Comfortable moveable clothing such as tanks, shorts, leggings. No Jeans or sweats
- Jazz shoes
Tap Classes:
- Comfortable clothing such as tanks, shorts, leggings. No Jeans or sweats
- Black Tap Shoes
Ballet Classes:
- Comfortable clothing such as leotard, tights, tanks, shorts, leggings, ballet dresses. No Jeans or sweats
- Pink Ballet Shoes
Acro Classes
- Comfortable clothing such as tanks, shorts, No Jeans and no-lose attire
- Hair MUST be in a pony tail
- No Shoes-Bare Feet
Competitive Class Requirements
- Tanks, shorts, leggings. No jeans or sweats
- Ballet Class: Black leotard, pink tights and black shorts or any ballet skirt. Pink Ballet shoes, hair in a bun
Competitive shoes will be announced when costumes are chosen.
Why is being properly dressed important?
Dancers create lines and shapes with their bodies. In order for instructors to see the created lines and the correct use of musculature, a leotard and tights with hair pulled up into a bun, are the best uniforms to use for ballet and younger combo classes.
Dance shoes are to be worn only in the studio
We have installed a brand new sprung dance floor, so it is imperative that no dance shoes be worn outside of the studio. This will avoid any and all scratches and damage to the floors.
What NOT to Wear to Dance Class
- Baggy gym shorts
- Cut-off’s
- Pajama Pants
- Sweatpants
- Jeans
- Lose fitting t-shirts, tanks or crop pants
- Sweatshirts
- Attire with inappropriate graphics or wording.
We hope we were able to provide you with the all the information you may need and if not please email us at info@elegantdancestudio with your questions.
Miss Jackie